
Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Hearts Fall For Danny Tanner - Unlimited Power Infinite Brutality [2010]

Artist - Hearts Fall For Danny Tanner
Album - Unlimited Power: Infinite Brutality
Year - 2010
Genre - Metalcore/Deathcore/Experimental
Website - http://www.myspace.com/heartsfallfordannytanner
Country - Georgia, United States

Tracklist :

1. Unlimited Power: Infinite Brutality
2. The Manhattan Complex
3. Teen Dating Violence
4. Back Alley Prom Night Body Part Roundup
5. Sucked Off and Eaten Alive
6. Echoes (Techno Remix)
7. The Death of Walter Kovaks
8. Waste of Skin
9. Axe Got Your Tongue?
10. Endure and Prevail

Download Hearts Fall For Danny Tanner From Scool deathmetal

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