
Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Phone Trio - Houston, We Have A Problem [2010]

Artist - Phone Trio
Album - Houston, We Have A Problem
Year - 2010
Genre - Powerpop/Pop Punk/Rock
Website - http://www.myspace.com/phonetrio
Country - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tracklist :

1. Fangs and Kalashnikovs
2. All-Time Favorite Band
3. Just Fiends
4. Equal Hearts, Minds Apart
5. Say Goodbye to London
6. Polly Wants a Crackhead (Private Hell)
7. So Fuxxxing Sorry
8. So Divine
9. Right
10. Some SoCal Loneliness
11. ThegoodfightVsThegoodlife
12. Spring Break-up

Download Phone Trio from school of funny

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